Thank you for your precious time to visit this page. I’ll appreciate your candid and detailed response on this quick survey.
For more than a decade, I have remained committed to my life purpose of raising young people and moulding minds. I do this as an executive life & leadership coach, a renowned authority & thought-leader in the fields of education & youth development with multidisciplinary experience and expertise in training and development, life coaching, publishing, youth ministry, architecture, and higher education.
As a result of this, I founded Young Breeds, a youth ministry established to see a world where young people live full and fulfilled, spirit, soul & body and successfully transition to adulthood.
In addition to this, I lead MindMould, a human development agency focused on equipping individuals and institutions with life skills thereby bridging the gap in knowledge, congruence and attainment of personal and corporate goals.
I will love to serve more leaders across various spheres. Your response to this survey will go a long way on this path.