Do you want to grow in wisdom beyond your age? 👇

Everything living is growing, how about you? But maturity is not about the evolution in facial looks, dress styles, or body build, but the holistic growth of spirit, soul, and body at the same time. Dr. Abraham’s latest book, “The Maturity Handbook” provides answers to the burning questions on the minds of young people.


More worthy of note is that it also answers questions young people wouldn’t know they need, something to be thankful for in the near future. The content is practical, it’s indeed the handbook for maturing systematically.


Join hundreds of readers who are intentional about their growth and holistic development

I greatly recommend the book to anyone at any point in life who desires to be rightly informed, reformed or continuously transformed
To despise life fundamentals can be highly detrimental in the journey of life. One major fundamental of life is wisdom as revealed in scriptures. Wisdom among others is knowing what questions of life to ask and getting the answers. This book unveils fundamental questions that must be addressed if greatness must be harnessed in life. I have known Dr. Abraham Owoseni for over 10 years as a passionate visionary who discovered purpose early. He is a prolific writer, a great teacher and an exceptional role model recommended for young and upcoming adults to learn from in moulding their lives. I greatly recommend the book to anyone at any point in life who desires to be rightly informed, reformed or continuously transformed in unfolding the greatness embedded in him or her.
David O. Adebayo
Living Word Global Ministries, Manchester, UK

[Dr. Abraham’s Newest Title]

The Maturity Handbook

30 Days of Deep Reflections, Uncommon Wisdom, and All-round Development


This book is a ‘must have’ for you if you’re passionate about growing to reach your full potential holistically. Dr. Abraham Owoseni is a reputable coach you can trust with your growth journey. He’s a leading voice in personal transformation and holistic development of young people.

Adeleke S. Adesina

CEO, TREGS Consulting Ota, Nigeria

If you care deeply about your development and growth in any aspect of your life, then put this book on your required daily reading list. You will learn to empower yourself and advance positively every day without a doubt. Abraham Owoseni mentioned in this book that, “One proof that you’re advancing and growing in maturity is the vulnerability to ask for help”. Hence, advance positively by learning from this book.

Adebayo Ajayi, PMP®

Business Transformation Manager Personal Excellence Coach Ontario, Canada


I have no doubt that you will experience accelerated growth

The Maturity Handbook is a classic. It has great potential of achieving its objective in the life of ardent readers. I carefully digested the opening content of the handbook and find it quite inspiring.  It is clearly on target on all points. The topics are succinctly organised to create progressive momentum for growth flight unto maturity. As you know, those who refuse to grow often end up groaning in life. As you diligently engage the words of wisdom tactfully packaged in this handbook, I have no doubt that you will experience accelerated growth that will expedite your maturity.  This experience will supernaturally empower you to achieve in five years what takes immature people fifty struggling years to achieve.  I congratulate you for being a recipient of Abraham Owoseni’s life transforming product.

Jonathan A. Odukoya, Ph.D.

Host, Jesus the Way Radio Program & Former Head, Department of Psychology, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria

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Teens and Young Adults

No. of Pages: 109

I have known Dr. Owoseni for years. I have read some of his works and I can say that this man is a gift to the church and this generation in general. I have had close conversations with him and I can tell you that what runs in his blood is passion for the young people all of over the world. The book The Maturity Handbook addresses what it truly means to be mature in life. He points out the fact that a man can grow in age but not in maturity. The term maturity according to Dr. Abraham is achieved within the territory of clarity of purpose. This means that without clarity of purpose, a man can be 50 years old and yet not mature. I do believe that this book will be a huge blessing to everyone that gets a copy of it.

Justice Obioha

The University of Mississippi, USA

About the Author, Dr. Abraham Owoseni

Certified Life Coach, Speaker & Trainer on Life Skills, Author, University Don & Youth Pastor, Dr. Abraham helps young people build the right foundation early in life so they can get established and lead purposeful and productive lives without regrets. He coaches adolescents and young adults to acquire the right mindset and skillset to build a wholesome and holistic life in their careers, relationships and lifestyle. His message of holistic development has impacted thousands of lives and transformed young people following his life mission of raising young people & moulding minds. For more details, please visit

“When I was a child, I spoke about childish matters, for I saw things like a child and reasoned like a child. But the day came when I matured, and I set aside my childish ways.” 1 Corinthians 13:11 TPT

Will you make today that day for you?

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