'Ships and Voyage

'Ships and Voyage with Dr. Abraham Owoseni is an exclusive online life skills session tailored for unmarried young adults seeking to enhance their wisdom, confidence and clarity as they navigate the current and upcoming seasons of their lives.

Date and Time

Sessions will be held live on YouTube. Upon registration, you will receive the streaming link for each day's session. We highly encourage live participation, as replays will not be available. Dates: Monday, 20th and Tuesday, 21st Time: 7:00 PM WAT (daily)

Programme Methodology

The learning modules will employ a blend of biblical wisdom, life coaching, practical training, and experiential learning. This hybrid methodology ensures a rich experience, fostering understanding, profound insights, and personal transformation.

Here's why you should attend 'Ships and Voyage

Why Join Us?

It is one thing to know Jesus, it is another to know His principles. While knowing Jesus qualifies one a place in heaven; knowing His principles qualifies for heaven on earth. These principles are the ways of God and God doesn’t want us to be oblivious of them. They are essential for navigating relationships and life itself.

 I came across a scripture many years back in Acts 10:34, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons…” then I asked the Holy Spirit, what does God respect? He said, “Principles!”

We have access to the principles, if we pay attention to them, “Unto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom, but unto them that are without, they’re mere parables (Matthew 13:11).” There’s a way to live, a way to work, a way to love and live with others. The goal of ‘Ships and Voyage is to explore God’s principles on how to cultivate meaningful friendships and navigate courtship with the intention of marriage.

This is a closed room coaching; we have barely 15 slots. Go ahead and secure your slot.

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Take a sneak peek of the Experience

What to Expect

Participants will engage in concise learning modules covering various thematic areas, including “Purpose-mates,” “Friendships Not Dating,” “Triangulation of Friendship,” “Identifying a Soulmate,” “Expression of Convictions,” “Nuptial Vows,” “Vulnerability in Courtship,” among others.


It was easy to understand, highly valuable and engaging.

I’ve been able to gain more clarity on relationships and how to further harmonize my relationship to get the best out it. I love that it was easy to understand, highly valuable and engaging. I love that there’s a worksheet at the end of each module to stimulate deep thoughts, further enhance learning and take actionable steps. Abraham Owoseni is a firebrand who is highly intelligent. My experience with him is filled with valuable insights and wisdom nuggets for an wholesome relationship.


I had issues with being timid and not being good in establishing friendships with bad communication skills and emotional imbalance. Now I have more confidence about my person and the things I want to do and how I intend to achieve them. I know how to cut off unwanted friendships without leaving in an untidy manner. I feel very elated, the Relationship Harmony Class answered lots of questions I had. Abraham Owoseni is an excellent teacher. He does not just Coach, he teaches using real life scenarios and he carried everyone along in such a way that his teachings are not centralised to particular individuals but everyone. Temitayo

I feel enlightened. It was an eye opener to things I haven’t been paying attention to. I loved how the Relationship Harmony Class addressed a very important question, ‘WHY.’ It’s been one more step in the right direction. It’s nice to know someone who can walk you through a lot of confusion to ensure you’re fine ultimately, that’s my experience with Abraham Owoseni. Tomi


I’m quite laid back; I just wasn’t intentional to drive good success. With the teaching, I came in with the hope to gain traction. The experience was amazing and impactful. Dr. Abraham was so detailed about the teaching and his energy and passion was the bomb. He dwelt on intentionality in simple terms; this just came in the right season of my life. Victoria


I have been given practical guide to being a better person

It has been a wonderful experience particularly grateful for the clarity and the indicators to look out for. I love how the Relationship Harmony Class was concise and relatable. Finding the right partner and being the right partner is achievable. I have been given practical guide to being a better person. It has made navigating relationship a lot more fulfilling. Abraham Owoseni is a wonderful instructor, always able to deliver on everything he promises. He is inspiring to say the least.



Dr. Abraham is so good at what he does. His classes are insightful and enlightening

Before the session, I was looking forward to managing relationship as a mission-driven queen. Now, I am more enlightened, I know that any relationship I will be going to will help me and also help my partner to become better, we may not be going to the exact place but we are headed towards the same direction.  The class was so insightful and for me I love stories a lot; it helps me relate well to what the speaker is saying. Dr. Abraham is so good at what he does. His classes are insightful and enlightening, he shares from his overflow of experience and knowledge

Opeyemi A.

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Meet your Host, Dr. Abraham Owoseni

Dr. Abraham Owoseni is a versatile transformational leader driving positive change and transformation worldwide following his life’s purpose of raising young people and moulding minds. His three-fold mission focuses on youth development, educational development, and human development. Dr. Abraham brings a wealth of multidisciplinary expertise to his global expressions drawn from training and development, life coaching, project management, non-profit management, publishing, youth ministry, architecture, and higher education. His teachings on life skills and his message of all-round success and holistic development have been instrumental in transforming countless lives worldwide. His journey is driven by a passion for human development and holistic growth, he focuses on improving the developmental outcomes of youth through education, environments, and empowerment. He leads Young Breeds and MindMould, impacting thousands globally. Dr. Abraham has trained over 30,000 individuals since 2011 with over twenty books and several knowledge products. His training programs, online courses, podcasts, and scientific articles have profoundly touched the hearts and minds of thousands across Africa, North America, Asia, and Europe. Described consistently as transformational, inspirational, persuasive, knowledgeable, passionate, and empathetic, Dr. Abraham has left an indelible mark on individuals worldwide. Dr. Abraham Owoseni is not only a dedicated leader but also a devoted family man; he is a life partner to his wife Sarah, an esteemed educator and family life practitioner. They are the parents of Isaac and Daniel. Together, they’re fulfilling God’s purpose with global impact.

Get Set for an Unforgettable Experience