The game is about to begin, with barely 16 days into 2020. I know the feeling you’re having now; perhaps it is not even just a feeling but it has grown to become a pressure from friends and even family members. People are expecting your IV or you are planning to send your CV; maybe you are desirous of some physical assets and properties or you just desire to make that new friendship and relationship with God and colleagues. Whichever is the case, I can perfectly relate.
Maybe you’re even thinking, how do I plan for 2020 in such a way that I can achieve my goals… By now, one word you may be hearing most frequently online is #goals, #goalsetting etc. I don’t want to over flog it again. My job is to increase your clarity on this subject.
Shall we?
Goals MET versus Goals SET
What makes the difference between goals met and goals set? Let me show you how to score… follow through with me.
Let me share this ahead with you; you’ve done well thus far in 2019! Don’t feel bad about your achievements and all, you’re good, I mean it.
But here is what I suggest you also do: evaluate your achievement based on your set goals. Don’t fall into the trap many people fall into, comparing achievement of goals with other people on social media. If you’re not careful, you will think you’ve achieved nothing this year.
Please don’t fall for this, I repeat.
You need to also remember that, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed about setting new goals. If after your evaluations, you’ve seen the ones you’ve achieved and the ones you’re close to and the outstanding ones, simply take reviews, note your learnings and update them. You don’t necessarily need to set all new goals because it’s a new year.
That’s another trap; new year, new goals..lol. It doesn’t necessarily work that way.
The new year is only a renewal of time, life and opportunity to keep at your goals.
Abraham Owoseni, 2019
Moreover, your attitude and actions will determine if it is actually new or still the same. You get it now?
Now, how can you score your goals?
When I was in secondary school, I was really a bad football player (don’t laugh at me please). I would go with my classmates to the pitch just because 80% of guys are going to ‘play ball.’ I wasn’t really good at that thing and guess what? I couldn’t score for my team at most games. So they chose to rather make me a goal keeper! lol. Please don’t ask if I was a good keeper o
In the words of Bill Copeland, he says
“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.”
Bill Copeland
You don’t learn on how to score on the field, you learn before the field. 2020 is a new playing field that is ahead of you, but the question therefore is HOW DO YOU SCORE?
Scoring is both a science and an art. While some players are naturally skillful in the game of football, they get to double and triple their performance by learning and practice. Therefore, it is not enough to set goals, but also to SCORE them.
Overtime, I have read about the story of Thomas Edison, who has been described as America’s greatest inventor. He was credited with inventions in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. While he was alive, Thomas Edison had a striking career goal that brought him to limelight. This was his goal: he said to himself, “every three months, I must make one minor invention and every six months, I must make one major invention.” When Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 years, it was said that he had over 1092 major inventions with patents in the US and over 2000 other inventions with foreign patents. What actually happened? He SCORED even beyond his goals.
That’s the beauty of goal setting! With goals, you can create the future in advance.
Let me share with you five strategies on how to score your goals:
Number one:
What goal exactly do you want to score? Be specific about this. Across each area of life, define and position one minimum goalpost that you want to score at in 2020; from your spiritual life to career, to finance, to family/relationships to health, recreation and any other area, what goal exactly do you want to score?
The next is to
Oh, I hear you say “can’t it just remain in my mind? Oh NO! It can’t remain in the mind, if it does, then it’s a mere wish. When you write it down, it becomes an emphatic expectation. When writing down your goals, write it in this approach: as an accomplished affirmation. Here is an example:
I published twenty articles by November 2020; or
I got a professional diploma in fashion design by July 2020; or
I earned a 7 digit income from my business enterprise or
I won the prestigious award in my organisation;
Write it and say it in affirmation.
The third strategy is this:
There is no point setting a goal you do not believe it. You are the number one believer of your GOAL! As you keep confessing your affirmations, you are literally increasing your faith in your goals.
Think about this and meditate on it.
Remember, the Holy Book says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” Let me add by saying, “as he continues to think about his goal, so will it be achieved.”
Now, the fourth strategy to scoring your goals is to
This is the core of goal setting: PLANNING.
By planning, we also mean strategy; what plan of actions have you designed to achieve this goal?
I hear some people say, “Oh, God will do it” Yes, God will do it, He will give the wisdom to plan and the strength to take actions. Remember, “Hope is not a strategy.
You can ask the following questions:
- What knowledge & skills do I need to achieve this goal?
- What’s holding me back?
- Who do I reach out to? When do I?
- What do I start doing?
Your answers to these series of questions will initiate your planning. Be very strategic about it.
Yes, it may not be a swift ride to working out your goals, but this is it “If at first you don’t succeed, change your plan not your goal.” Be flexible to the plan
The fifth and the last strategy is to
See what Morris Chang said,
“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless.”
Morris Chang
The hallmark of every goal is to ACT on it. Ask yourself every day, “What did I do today to bring me closer to my goal.”
Nothing works without working it. If you must achieve your goals, you must WORK IT. You must wake in the morning and take the step. Send the mail, write the message, compose the song, order the product, start the business, keep WORKING IT following your strategic plan. No blaming game, take responsibility. Your 2020 will be what you make of it.
Remember this, “Purpose is stronger than outcome.” Your goal is an expected outcome, but more important than your goal is the purpose behind the goal! Why do you want to achieve this goal? Is it just to satisfy your personal ambition? Is it just to feel good and be happy? This is not bad in itself, but you can make your goals “HIGHER ORDER GOALS.”
Don’t be selfish about your goals, think about others, think contributions, think service. Don’t just set goals about the things you want to get alone, how about the things you want to give as well? The value and services you want to offer? The contributions you want to make. This is what I call, “HIGHER ORDER GOALS.” You can take this to the next level with my book, the Goal Setting Quickie: A quick fix to setting ‘higher order’ goals. Order a copy here and it will be sent directly to you.
In other words, let your goals be tied to a genuine purpose. If otherwise, they may fall off in the course of the year. True sustainable goals are those tied to genuine purposes.
Take this last words in the
In the words of Picasso,
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”
Thank you for your time. And hey, don’t forget to “like” it. And if you really like it, be a blessing to others by sharing this!
Don’t forget to take advantage of this, the Goal Setting Quickie: A quick fix to setting ‘higher order’ goals. Order a copy here and it will be sent directly to you.

Now, it’s time to hear from you.
Which of these strategies do you think you need to work on to master SCORING? Tell me your experience reading through this in the comment section and I’ll reply directly to you.
Such an amazing and impactful read! Concise and well put together. My question is, how do you differentiate between actual goals and action plans in guise of goals? Many thanks sir
Yaay!Thank you so much Tomide.
If I got you right, both are actually goals. Look at it this way; inside every goal is a goal, meaning, inside an actual goals are smaller goals. They can be as small as the daily to-dos you must do to achieve the main goal. So, they are actually different. The plans must be directed towards achieving the actual goal. Does this help? Let me know please Tomide. Thanks
This is really is a great resource, correcting some wrong ideologies regarding to goal setting. For me it the fact that purpose supersedes goals; if your goals is not taking you towards a particular direction than it is a circle of self deception heading nowhere. Thank you sir for this!
Thank you so much Maduabuchi. You are perfectly right sir. So glad it was so valuable to you.